Maa Mundeshwari Temple (Bhagwanpur)

Maa Mundeshwari Temple (Bhagwanpur)

This temple is located on the summit of Piwara hill, with a height of about 600 feet. 

According to archaeologists British travelers R. N. Martin, Francis Buchanan and Block visited this temple between 1812 and 1904. The  inscription made on this temple is of middle of 389 AD indicating its ancestry. The stone carvings of  the Mundeshwari Bhavani temple are of Gupta period. It is an octagonal temple made of stone. In the Eastern section of this temple, the grand and ancient idol of the goddess Mundeshwari is the center of the main attraction. The mother is in the form of Vaarahi, whose vehicle is Mahish. There are four entrances to the temple, in which one has been closed and one half open. Panchmukhi Shivaling is installed in the central part of this temple.  The color of  the stone This Panchmukhi Shivling has been constructed with a special stone which changes its color along with the position of the sun and stone .  The statue of Vishal Nandi on the west side of the main entrance. The uniqueness of this temple is in animal (goat) sacrifice. Here the goat is sacrificed but it is not slaughtered. This type of sacrifice is nowhere else. 


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

46 लाख रुपए की लागत से पथ निर्माण का कार्य शुभारंभ

सुशांत सिंह राजपूत की आत्महत्या पर सोशल मीडिया में मचा हड़कम्प, फैंस कर रहे न्याय की मांग।

लोगों का निःशुल्क इलाज करने वाले बीएचयू के जाने-माने कार्डियोथोरेसिक सर्जन पद्म श्री डॉ. टी.के. लहरी (डॉ तपन कुमार लहरी)